2 - 4 Months


These have been an interesting couple of months.  I am in day care and of course have caught my first infection.  I had bronciolitis.  None of the antibiotics worked so I am having to do breathing treatments to open up my little lungs.  We started out doing them 6 times a day and now we are down to 3 times a day.  So I am getting better.  I still like to keep my Mom and Dad up all night when I can.  The only time I slept all night was when I was sick.  I am trying to eat cereal now and I have tried some sweet potatoes but I don't like them very well.  I can roll onto my side and lift my head and hold it up when I am on my stomach.  I am usually a very happy baby.  I like to smile a lot and one of my favorite toys are links.  I can grab them and chew on them very easily.  I also love to watch TV.  My favorite show is Baby Mozart.  I just got to visit with my grandparents from Annapolis.  It was a fun visit.  Here are a few pictures of me.

Activity Mat.jpg (126673 bytes)  Ready for Day Care.jpg (143915 bytes)  Smiles2.jpg (110873 bytes)  alex.jpg (75327 bytes)  cereal.jpg (70569 bytes) 

 fingers.jpg (76359 bytes)  Gram & Katelyn.jpg (67888 bytes)  grandpa.jpg (74961 bytes)  profile.jpg (69831 bytes)  sleeping.jpg (89315 bytes)


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